Monday 4 October 2010

Ingredient 2 - Cloves

That's right, cloves.

I love food full of those warm flavours that are reminiscent of Christmas grub - cloves, cinnamon, molasses, port - but I realised I didn't actually know what cloves were. I know that they have numbing effects because of a story J once told me about having clove oil drip on his face while he was asleep, but I didn't know what these little spicy tacks were.

For those of you that don't know either, and want to find out, read on! In a nutshell, cloves are the dried flower buds of an evergreen tree native to Indonesia. I've read that their name derives from the Latin word 'clavus' meaning 'nail' which relates to the appearance of a clove - a small prong, topped with a little ball - vaguely resembling a nail.

So there you have it. Cloves are ingredient number two. Watch this space...

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